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The Importance Of Regular Eye Exam

The eye doctor Ottawa will not only examine your eyes to identify the precise prescription for your contact lenses or eyeglasses but also to check if you have any eye diseases or problems like astigmatism, farsightedness, nearsightedness, glaucoma, and cataract.

Regardless of your physical health, age and gender, you need to get a comprehensive eye exam on a regular basis in order to make sure that your eyes are healthy. Getting your eyes checked also help detect any possible eye and vision problems and treat them as early as possible before it gets worse.

Why getting an eye test is important?

Apart from identifying the precise prescription for your contact lenses or eyeglasses, the eye doctor Ottawa will likewise evaluate your eyes to know whether you have astigmatism, farsightedness, nearsightedness, or other common eye diseases and problems that can result in vision loss.

In most cases, eye problems do not show any obvious signs and symptoms until they get to the advanced stage. If left untreated, a simple eye problem can lead to either vision distortion or loss of sight. This is one of the main reasons why you need to visit an eye clinic at least once a year. Through eye exam, your doctor can detect problems early on even before their signs and symptoms become apparent.

Common eye problems your doctor will be checking for

1. Strabismus

Strabismus, also known as turned or crossed eyes, is an eye condition in which both the left and right eyes do not have the same focus or position at the same time. The eyes should be properly aligned and should not point in different directions in order to work perfectly well. In the case of strabismus, one eye's direction may point forward while the other eye may point either downward, upward, inward, or outward.

Strabismus can result to poor vision, amblyopia, double vision, and problems with depth perception. Through Ottawa eye exam, the doctor can be able to determine whether or not the two eyes are proper alignment and are working together,

2. Amblyopia

Amblyopia, also commonly referred to as lazy eye, is a vision disorder that typically starts as early as infancy and early childhood. With amblyopia, one of the two eyes cannot attain normal visual acuity and has a prescription that is different from the other eye. This vision development disorder can cause permanent vision impairment if not treated.

3. Eye Diseases

There are many eye diseases that do not have evident signs and symptoms in their early stages. During a comprehensive eye exam Ottawa your doctor will check your eyes for eye diseases and conditions including diabetic eye or diabetic macular edema, cataract, glaucoma, CMV retinitis, and uveitis.

4. Other Health Problems

As the old saying goes, the eyes are the windows to the soul. Aside from the eye-related diseases, an eye doctor can also detect other health problems just by checking the blood vessels, retina, and other parts of the eyes.

What many people do not understand is that a comprehensive eye test can be as effective as physical check-up when it comes to detecting health problems like diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, autoimmune disorders, thyroid problems, rheumatoid arthritis, syphilis, vitamin A deficiency, Crohn’s disease, Lyme disease, tumors, and even cancer.

Early detection of eye problems will not only help minimize your risk for permanent loss of vision, it will likewise increase the likelihood to successfully treat them at the earliest possible time.

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